name the types of minnings with there examples
Answer There are four main mining methods: underground, open surface (pit), placer, and in-situ mining.
There are four main mining methods: underground, open surface (pit), placer, and in-situ mining.Underground mines are more expensive and are often used to reach deeper deposits.
There are four main mining methods: underground, open surface (pit), placer, and in-situ mining.Underground mines are more expensive and are often used to reach deeper deposits.Surface mines are typically used for more shallow and less valuable deposits.
There are four main mining methods: underground, open surface (pit), placer, and in-situ mining.Underground mines are more expensive and are often used to reach deeper deposits.Surface mines are typically used for more shallow and less valuable deposits.Placer mining is used to sift out valuable metals from sediments in river channels, beach sands, or other environments.
There are four main mining methods: underground, open surface (pit), placer, and in-situ mining.Underground mines are more expensive and are often used to reach deeper deposits.Surface mines are typically used for more shallow and less valuable deposits.Placer mining is used to sift out valuable metals from sediments in river channels, beach sands, or other environments.In-situ mining, which is primarily used in mining uranium, involves dissolving the mineral resource in place then processing it at the surface without moving rock from the ground.
There are four main mining methods: underground, open surface (pit), placer, and in-situ mining.Underground mines are more expensive and are often used to reach deeper deposits.Surface mines are typically used for more shallow and less valuable deposits.Placer mining is used to sift out valuable metals from sediments in river channels, beach sands, or other environments.In-situ mining, which is primarily used in mining uranium, involves dissolving the mineral resource in place then processing it at the surface without moving rock from the ground.The method used depends on the type of mineral resource that is mined, its location at or beneath the surface, and whether the resource is worth enough money to justify extracting it. Each mining method also has varying degrees of impact on the surrounding landscape and environment
there's three types of mining
open pit
these are three. main types of mining we use to extract products and minerals