Name the types of salivary glands?
here's your answer
◆ parotid GLAND
◆ submandibular GLAND
◆ sublingual GLAND.
→ Saliva is mainly produced by three pairs of salivary glands, the parotids, the sub-maxillary or sub-mandibular and the sublinguals.
→ These glands situated just outside the buccal cavity secrete salivary juice into the buccal cavity.
→ Parotid glands:- Largest glands, located inferior and anterior to the ears.
→ From each gland Stenson's duct arise, that opens into the vestibule opposite to the second maxillary molar tooth.
→ Painful swelling of parotid glands by Paramyxo virus is mumps.
→ Sub maxillary:- Found at the angles of the lower jaw. From each gland Wharton's duct arise and opens below the tongue, lateral to the lingual frenulum, behind the incisors.
→ Sub lingual:- These are smallest glands
present beneath the tongue and their ducts are called Rivinus ducts or Bartholin's ducts which open below the tongue.