Science, asked by aaryan5555, 9 months ago

name three sources of energy that do not produce smoke and pollute the environment​


Answered by prince2228

solar energy, water energy and wind energy do not produce smoke and pollute the environment

Answered by blossomag


What are Non-Renewable Sources of Energy?

Non-renewable energy sources are those sources that drain fossil reserves deposited over centuries. This results in depletion of these energy reserves. There are many countries, which have recorded significant reduction of these sources and are currently suffering from the side effects of drilling these energy reserves from deep underground. Examples of these countries include China and India. The environmental impact is so great that just by travelling to these two countries, you can get a firsthand experience on the case studies that are there to be seen by the naked eyes.

There are many places in the world that are experiencing fast degradation of non-renewable sources in terms of fossil fuels. Soon there will be none left is appropriate measures are not take into consideration. This is a trend that has to be reversed if the world is to survive the degradation process that is going or happening at a much rapid pace. The main non-renewable energy sources are:-


1. Coal

Coal is the most abundant form of fossil fuel available on earth. They were formed by the decay of old plants and animals several centuries ago. coal is mostly found below the earth and is major source of fuel for electricity generation as of today. Most power stations on earth require huge reserves of coal to produce electricity continuously without break. When coal is burnt, it produces heat that is used to convert the water into stream.

The steam is then used to move the turbines which in turns activate generators which produces electricity. Coal contains excessive amount of carbon. When it is burnt to produce power, it mixes up with oxygen to produce carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide is one the gas responsible for global warming. The use of coal and other fossil fuels have only increased since they were discovered. Their excessive extraction and use has resulted in degradation of environment and ecological imbalance. Though coal is still available in big quantity on this earth but it is predicted that it won’t last for more than 40-50 years if switch is not made to green or clean energy.

2. Oil

Oil is available in abundance in most of the middle east countries including Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Iran, Iraq and UAE while some limited oil wells are present in North America and Canada. Most of the countries still have their huge dependency on these countries for their oil requirements. Like coal, it was also made out of dead plants and animals that had lived millions of years ago. When plants and animals died they were covered with thick layer of mud and sand which created huge pressure and temperature. These fossil fuels coal, oil and natural gas are result of those conditions only.

Wide usage of oil and oil related products has resulted in massive air pollution. It is a major source of fuel that is used in vehicles. Due to the process of combustion, harmful gases like carbon dioxide are released when oil is burnt. Everyday around 19.7 million barrels of oil is consumed in United States alone. Oil is transported to other nations using pipelines or ships. Leakage in ships leads to oil spill which affects animals and plants that live inside or around the sea. Just couple of years back, a ship containing oil of British Petroleum (BP) caused oil leakage which resulted in killing of many whales, fishes and small animals that live inside the sea.

3. Natural Gas

Natural gas is a mixture of several gases including methane, ethane, propane and butane. It burns completely and leaves no ashes. It causes almost no pollution and is one the cleanest form of fossil fuel. Of these gases, methane is highly inflammable. It has no color, taste or odor. This is the reason that some chemicals are added to it before it can be supplied to individual homes so that a leakage can easily be detected. Middle Eastern countries particularly Iran and Iraq hold high reserves of natural gas. The beauty of this source of fuel that it causes almost no pollution, cheap and environment friendly.

4. Nuclear Energy

Nuclear energy is has become a hot technology today. More and more countries are switching to nuclear energy to fulfill their future energy demands. Around 16% of world’s electricity production comes through nuclear energy. Nuclear power plants use Uranium as a fuel to extract energy from it.

The energy can be released through either of the two processes: Nuclear Fission or Nuclear Fusion. Nuclear fission is the most common technique to harness nuclear energy. U-235 element is bombarded with slow moving neutrons which break the atom and releases energy. The atoms that got split are then again hit by neutrons to produce mass amount of energy. Like fossil fuels, nuclear does not produces any greenhouse emissions. Nuclear power plants produce some sort of nuclear waste called radioactive

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