Physics, asked by anupallavi1410, 10 months ago

Name three states of matter .Give one example of each and state three characteristic property of each


Answered by ankita200683
there are three types of matter that are solid, liquid and gas. ex solid-ice, liquid-water, gas-water vapour. solid- the molecules are tightly packed. liquid- the molecules are less tightly packed. gas- the molecules are very far from each other
Answered by dollymorning430



These are the four main characteristics of particles of matter

Particles of matter are very tiny in size: When a teaspoon of salt is dissolved in one or two litres of water, every drop of that water taste salty. When few drops of Dettol are mixed in water, whole water gives the smell of Dettol. Even after diluting this dettol mixed water, it gives the smell of dettol. This proves that particles of matter are very small.

They have space between them: We can move our hand through the air easily. To move our hand in liquid, such as water, we have to apply some force, but for a solid such as wood, we cannot move our hand. This is because the force of attraction between particles of gas is almost negligible, in liquid the forces of attraction is moderate but it is greatest in solid.

Particles of matter move constantly: Example: Diffusion and Brownian motion give the evidence that particles are in motion.

They are attracted towards each other: For example, breaking a chalk is easier than breaking a nail. This proves that attraction varies from particles of one substance to another. Cohesion means the force of attraction between the particulate matter of the same substance.

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