English, asked by sreyanair8814, 10 months ago

Name two leading exponents of new historicism

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Answered by navja12

New historicism takes into account the the history of the writer or author as well as the history of the critic.

This concept was developed in 1980 s.

Two exponents who worked on and propagated the idea of new historicism are:

1) Stephan Greenblatt - He is English professor at University of California, and has coined the term 'New historicism'.

2) Harold Aram Veeser - He introduced the collection of essays 'The New Historicim', 1989 and has outlined the assumptions on which this concept is based.

Answered by Arslankincsem


New Historicism is similar to historical criticism and historicism is also known as criticism of Hippolyte Taine. The main three aspects of new Historicism are race, milieu and moment. According to the Hippolyte Taine “a literary work is less the product of its author's imaginations than the social circumstances of its creation”. These three elements are very important for Historicism.

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