name two operator that are used during filtering data
Common examples that differ syntactically are mathematical arithmetic operations, e.g. ">" for "greater than", with names often outside the language's set of identifiers for functions, and called with a syntax different from the language's syntax for calling functions. As a function, "greater than" would generally be named by an identifier, such as gt or greater_than and called as a function, as gt(x, y). Instead, the operation uses the special character > (which is tokenized separately during lexical analysis), and infix notation, as x > y.
Common examples that differ semantically (by argument passing mode) are boolean operations, which frequently feature short-circuit evaluation: e.g. a short-circuiting conjunction (X AND Y) that only evaluates later arguments if earlier ones are not false, in a language with strict call-by-value functions. This behaves instead similarly to if/then/else.
Less common operators include:
Comma operator: e, f
Dereference operator: *p and address-of operator: &x
?: or ternary operator: number = spell_out_numbers ? "forty-two" : 42
Elvis operator: x ?: y
Null coalescing operator: x ?? y
Spaceship operator (for three-way comparison): x <=> y
Filter Operators
Boolean Operators