Science, asked by upasanaSharma27, 1 year ago

name two process in our body which are chemical change & explain why.


Answered by RajanJ
The hu­man body is a unique or­gan­ism that is in close con­tact with the sur­round­ing en­vi­ron­ment. Dur­ing the liv­ing process, nu­mer­ous com­plex chem­i­cal re­ac­tions take place in the hu­man body, in which bi­o­log­i­cal cat­a­lysts take part – en­zymes. We can recre­ate some of these re­ac­tions can our­selves, in the lab­o­ra­to­ry or the home.

Fea­tures of chem­i­cal re­ac­tions tak­ing place in the hu­man body Chem­i­cal re­ac­tions in liv­ing or­gan­isms dif­fer from or­di­nary re­ac­tions in two ways: high ef­fec­tive­ness and com­plex­i­ty of mech­a­nisms. The pro­tein en­vi­ron­ment of­ten leads to the spe­cif­ic and swift trans­for­ma­tion of func­tion­al groups, com­pared with or­di­nary mol­e­cules. Ow­ing to the large size of bi­o­log­i­cal­ly ac­tive mol­e­cules, it is im­pos­si­ble to cal­cu­late the to­tal sur­faces of po­ten­tial en­er­gy and to give pre­cise so­lu­tions for the quan­tum dy­nam­ics of the nu­clei for these mol­e­cules, so it is suit­able to de­vel­op mod­els of in­ter­nal molec­u­lar dy­nam­ics. These mod­els should be sim­ple, in or­der to al­low a rea­son­able nu­mer­i­cal so­lu­tion, but at the same time suf­fi­cient­ly de­vel­oped to re­flect the main as­pects of bio­chem­i­cal trans­for­ma­tions.

One of the main chem­i­cal re­ac­tions that takes place in the hu­man body and sup­ports life ac­tiv­i­ty is me­tab­o­lism – a re­ac­tion car­ried out as by en­zymes. En­zymes are bio­chem­i­cal cat­a­lysts. They are need­ed by the body for nor­mal life ac­tiv­i­ty. No chem­i­cal re­ac­tion in a liv­ing or­gan­ism takes place with­out en­zymes.

A Pancreatic alpha-Amylase 1HNY, a glycoside hydrolase[Wikipedia]

Me­tab­o­lism in the hu­man body takes place with an acid-al­ka­line bal­ance. But this bal­ance is not chem­i­cal­ly neu­tral, it is slight­ly al­ka­line. The body has many lo­cal zones where acid pre­dom­i­nates. For ex­am­ple, the di­ges­tive tract: from the mouth to the rec­tum, ei­ther an al­ka­line or an acid medi­um pre­dom­i­nates in turn in the di­ges­tive tract. If the sali­va medi­um is slight­ly acidic or neu­tral, the stom­ach juice is acidic. If an al­ka­line medi­um pre­dom­i­nates in the bile and pan­cre­at­ic juice, the juice in the small in­tes­tine is also al­ka­line, while in the large in­tes­tine a neu­tral bal­ance is ob­served, as long as the per­son is eat­ing prop­er­ly. Click hereto see how to con­duct in­ter­est­ing re­ac­tions demon­strat­ing di­ges­tion.

Chem­i­cal re­ac­tions in the hu­man body shown by ex­per­i­ments

Ad­sorp­tion – this phys­i­cal-chem­i­cal phe­nom­e­non is fa­mil­iar to ev­ery­one, but not ev­ery­one knows its cor­rect name. Ad­sorp­tion phe­nom­e­na play an im­por­tant role in the life ac­tiv­i­ty of all an­i­mals. They take place on the sur­face of cells in the body, the walls of ves­sels, the col­loidal par­ti­cles of pro­to­plas­ma, cell nu­clei and vac­uoles, and also on the sur­faces of the par­ti­tion be­tween the or­gan­ism and the en­vi­ron­ment. An ex­am­ple of ab­sorp­tion pro­cess­es in the hu­man body is the ad­sorp­tion ca­pa­bil­i­ties of the red blood cor­pus­cles.

The phe­nom­e­non of ad­sorp­tion can eas­i­ly be recre­at­ed in a prac­ti­cal ex­per­i­ment. You will need a weak ink so­lu­tion and crushed ac­tive char­coal. Pour the ink so­lu­tion into a beaker, then add the char­coal, put a cork in the beaker and shake it. The ink so­lu­tion will be­come much lighter in col­or. You can also use a so­lu­tion of gouache or wa­ter­col­or paint – the re­sult will not be any dif­fer­ent. If you re­place ac­tive char­coal with wood char­coal, the ad­sorp­tion process will be much weak­er. Ac­tive char­coal has a large sur­face and pores, in­creas­ing its ad­sorp­tion prop­er­ties. The ad­sor­bent takes in sub­stances from so­lu­tions and oth­er sub­stances.

thank tho Banta hai
Answered by MastermindJaat

digestion ,respiration, urine formation

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