Name two travellers who visited India during the Medieval Period?
"Two travelers" who visited India in the "Medieval Period" are:
"Hiuen Tsang" from "China (629-645)" - India has always welcomed travelers from different parts of the world. "Hiuen Tsang" came to India from China and is known as the "prince of pilgrims". He accounted information on political, social and religious aspects of India. He travelled to all over the country majorly "Punjab, Kashmir, Bodh- Gaya, Kapilvastu and Sarnath". He stayed in the country for 14 years and also studied at the "University of Nalanda".
"Al Beruni" from "Persia (1000-1025)": Al Beruni, Islamic Scholar from Persia and was commissioned by "Mahmud of Ghazni" to account the culture and philosophy of India. He stayed in the country for thirteen years and also wrote about literature.