Social Sciences, asked by darjun972, 8 months ago

Name two types of bills.​


Answered by Anonymous


There are two main categories of bills: public bills and private bills. While public bills deal with matters of national interest ( jus generale publicum ),45 the purpose of private bills is to grant special powers, benefits or exemptions to a person or persons, including corporations ( jus particulare ).


Answered by blochjasmine1


The two types of bills are public bills and private bills, which follow the same procedure and pass through the same stages in both houses of the Parliament. The differences between the two bills are as follows:

1. A government bill is essentially introduced by a minister whereas a private bill is introduced by any member of the parliament other than a minister.

2. A government bill reflects the policies of the government while a private bill reflects the stand of opposition party on public matters.

3. As the government has majority in the parliament, public bills have greater chance to get passed. The Private members’ bills do not have this advantage.

4. The introduction of government bill in the House requires seven days notice whereas the introduction of private bill requires one month’s notice.

5. The government bill is drafted by the concerned department in consultation with the law department while the concerned member is responsible to draft private bill.

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