nan. 44. Akbar defeated the Rajput kings but did not humiliate them. He took them as equal partners. Aurangzeb humiliated Shivaji , the Maratha chief, when he came to his court. What was the result of these two contrasting policies on the Mughal Empire? Which one strengthened the empire and which one weakened it?
shajahan song is Aurangzeb Rajput Akbar and Jahangir hatma internet friendly and cordial relations with Rajput the had given them hai post on the other hand I won't give up this policy and make them his anus and never where the two Rajput state that were ruled by Rajput rulers or even as he went to this state the work will Rajput damage the prestige of owners and caused much loss of the source of of the Mughal a the religion policy of Aurangzeb had for treating a perfect number one he lost the goodwill and simple of the Hindus number tu hi undermine the library and tolerant idea of Akbar the state now did not read all citizens on equal terms but favourable the Muslims number 3 these rate is come discontentment throughout its a he had to spend a lot of time crashing report of the Rajput thank you