ननम्नलिखित में ककन्ही दो शब्दों पर उधचत स्थयन पर अनुस्वयर व अनुनयलसक कय प्र्ोग
करके शब्दों को पुनः लिखिए।
(अ)पयचवय (ब) गणतत्र (स) ध्वनन्य (द) दडडत
Answer: इस शब्द में अनुस्वार 'अं' का उच्चारण (अ + म्) जैसा हुआ है, पर अलग-अलग शब्दों में इसका रूप बदल जाता है; जैसे ... (ii) य, र, ल, व (अंतस्थ व्यंजनों) और श, ष, स, ह (ऊष्म व्यंजनों) से पूर्व यदि पंचमाक्षर आए, तो ... निम्नलिखित स्थितियों में अनुस्वार का प्रयोग नहीं करना चाहिए-. (i) ... नीचे दिए गए शब्दों में उचित स्थान पर अनुनासिक का प्रयोग करके शब्दों को पुनः लिखिए-
DOZENS OF prominent peers
hold directorships which they
choose not to declare, the In-
' dependent has learned. The
revelation has prompted new
. . calls for tighter regulation of
- jl peers’ interests. Some of the in-
forests, though not all, are paid.
However, the peers could
soon be forced to declare their
7 business interests in the same
way as MPs do under a review
which will start in the autumn.
Several frontbenchers rep-
resent their parties on indus-
tries with which they have links,
- and some have made speech-
es or asked questions without
mentioning them. Among them
are Lord Brabazon of Thra, a
Conservative transport spokes-
man who holds a number of
positions with transport
groups, and Lord Ezra, a
Liberal Democrat energy
spokesman who has links with
- .- the power industry. . • • •
>tot one of-these peers has
broken the rules, though.
Under a voluntary system of
f registration set up in 2995, de-
cisions on what to declare are
left largely up to them. Al-
though they must declare Par-
liamentary consultancies and
posts with lobbyists, the com-
mittee set up to deal with
breaches ‘did not receive a sin-
gle formal complaint in its first
. two years.
Now a House of Lords com-
mittee is preparing to over-
■ haul the Register of Members’
interests, and Lord Neill’s
Committee on Standards in
What Lords Parkinson, Brabazon and
Moynihan failed to mention
Page 4
The public should have the right to know that
politicians* words come from their hearts and
not from their wallets.
Leading article. Review page 3
Public Life is to consider hold-
ing its own parallel inquiry.
Tfae procedure committee
will face calls for tire House of
Lords to be regulated in the
same way. as the Commons.
are required to registerall
their business interests and
can be suspended from the
House of Commons if the/ fail
to do so.
Lord Rodgers of Quarry
Bank, the liberal Democrat
home affairs spokesman and a
member of the committee, pro-
posed an identical system for
the lords when the current
rules were written three years
ago but it was rejected. At the
weekend he said that with
wider reforms of the House of
Lords on the agenda it was time
to make the change.
“We should be required to
register our interests whatev-
er they mig ht be. I see no dif-
ference between our legislative
role and the influence we hring
to bear and that of the Com-
mons,” be said.
- A -spokesman for the Neffl-
Committee on Standards in
Public Life said the issue had
been on the “back-burner”
since 1995. However the Lords'
register of interests would be on
its list of topics for possible fu-
ture investigation when its cur-
rent inquiry on political fending
was completed this Autumn, he
“Clearly there are issues if
people are speaking on some-
thing in which they have a
clear interest,” he said.
Lord Brabazon of Thra, a for-
mer Conservative transport
minister fists finks With the W-
hicle Security Installation
Board, the B ritish inte rnational
Freight Association, the Nat-
ural Gas Vehicles Association
and the Institute of the Motor
Industry in the register but
does not always mention them
in speeches.
Lord Ezra, a former chair-
man of the National Coal Board
who is the Liberal Democrats’
energy spokesman, lists a num-
ber of power company direc-
torships in the register but
failed to mention them expfic- ;
itly in one recent debate.
Others stepped outride their
portfolios to comment on areas
where they had financial links
Lord Moynihan, the former
Conservative sport minister,
now speaks on foreign affairs.
He recently called for new rules
to allow the setting up of off-
shore wind farms without men-
tioning his directorship of a firm
which might bid to run such
farms in the future.
Makr brainiest if this helped. :)