Hindi, asked by krishd633, 8 months ago

ननम्नलिखखत पूरक पाठ्य पुस्तक पर आर्ाररत ककनहीं दो प्रश्नों क े उत्तर 40-50 शलदों र्में दीब्िए | 6 क) कर्व ककसका ुत्र था और ककसने उसका ालन- ोषर् ककया था ? कर्व आज भी एक महान दानवीर क े नाम
से क्यों प्रलसद्ध है ?
ख) शािंतन ु ने शतव का उल्लिंघन क्यों ककया और शािंतनु की बात सुनकर गिंगा की क्या प्रनतकिया ह ु ई ?
ग) कौन द ुयोधन को हज़ततना ुर का सारा राज ाठ हदलाना चाहता था और क ै से ? ​


Answered by itsgagan




earn about the major environmental problems facing our planet and what can be done about them. ... Pollution: the most solvable of Earth's 21st-century environmental challenges. ... Read about how pollution affects other organisms ... to reduce your greenhouse gas emissions, save water, help wildlife, and limit pollution.

22 Animals That Are Good for the Earth | Mom.commom.com › momlife › 19887-animals-are-good-earth

Humans around the world will do their part to protect the environment and give back, but for ... These animals help prevent floods, droughts, and forest fires.

Missing: free ‎| Must include: reas of what are now the countries of Belarus, the Russian Federation, ... Sulfate-reducing bacteria and certain other micro-organisms in lake, river, ... to reduce air pollution include the use of lead-free gasoline, which allows the ...

by T Kjellstrom · ‎2006 · ‎Cited by 61 · ‎Related articles

Answered by swapnalipawarindapur



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