Hindi, asked by bishakhahazarika0405, 7 months ago

नर हो, न निराश करो मन को summary


Answered by jaat8860


नर हो न निराश करो मन को कविता में कवि मैथलीशरण गुप्त जी कहते हैं कि मानव का जीवन पाकर कुछ काम करना चाहिए। अपने जीवन को व्यर्थ नहीं होने दो, अपने तन का उपयोग करो और अपना नाम करो। मानव जीवन पाकर मन को निराश मत होने दो। अपने को संभालो ताकि अच्छा समय यूँही न निकल जाये।

(1) कुछ काम करो, कुछ काम करो

Do some work, do some work

जग में रह कर कुछ नाम करो

Living in this world create your name

यह जन्म हुआ किस अर्थ अहो

What is the purpose your birth?

समझो जिसमें यह व्यर्थ न हो

Understand and do not waste it (life)

कुछ तो उपयुक्त करो तन को

Make some use of your body

नर हो, न निराश करो मन को।

You are a Human Being, do not lose heart

MEANING :- The poet is trying to tell people that there is a certain reason for which they have been brought into this world and they should take advantage of that. They shouldn’t be sad and lose hope if they are unable to do something but they should continue their efforts and determination no matter what.

(2) संभलो कि सुयोग न जाय चला

Be careful, so that the opportunity is not gone

कब व्यर्थ हुआ सदुपाय भला

When has a god effort gone waste?

समझो जग को न निरा सपना

Do not take the world only as a dream

पथ आप प्रशस्त करो अपना

Be the guide of your own path

अखिलेश्वर है अवलंबन को

God of the world is your refuge

नर हो, न निराश करो मन को।

You are a Human Being, do not lose heart

MEANING :- The poet here says that don’t consider the world as a dream but it’s the reality, your reality and thus you should work hard make it better. You shouldn’t just sit and watch things to change but do stuff to change it and make things better for yourself.

(3) जब प्राप्त तुम्हें सब तत्त्व यहाँ

When you have got all the elements

फिर जा सकता वह सत्त्व कहाँ

Where, then there can be the basic ingredient (trust of the elements) go

तुम स्वत्त्व सुधा रस पान करो

Drink the nectarine of your existence

उठके अमरत्व विधान करो

Awake and achieve immortally

दवरूप रहो भव कानन को

Be like god of the forest of this world

नर हो न निराश करो मन को।

You are a Human Being, do not lose heart

MEANING :- He says that when the world provides you with every opportunity and you know how to use it and go ahead you should. The poet guides the people to do something with their lives. He says that there won’t be anyone helping you with this but you need to get determined and do everything on your own.

(4) निज गौरव का नित ज्ञान रहे

You should know your glory

हम भी कुछ हैं यह ध्यान रहे

You should be aware that you are special

मरणोंत्‍तर गुंजित गान रहे

Even after we die our songs should reverberate in this world

सब जाय अभी पर मान रहे

Whether we lose everything now only, then also we should save our honour

कुछ हो न तज़ो निज साधन को

Whatever may be you should not leave your effort

नर हो, न निराश करो मन को।

You are a Human Being, do not lose heart

MEANING :- Now he’s guiding people to take care of their names and their respect. He says that whatever you do in life just be careful about your name and you shouldn’t do something to lower down your respect. He says that these two things are the things which couldn’t be lost at any cost. These are the things which helps man survive in the society and if lost the man won’t be recognized anywhere.

(5) प्रभु ने तुमको कर दान किए

God has given you hands

सब वांछित वस्तु विधान किए

He has created all the things you have wished

तुम प्राप्‍त करो उनको न अहो

Oh! if you cannot achieve them

फिर है यह किसका दोष कहो

Then whose fault it is

समझो न अलभ्य किसी धन को

Do not think any wealth unachievable

नर हो, न निराश करो मन को।

You are a Human Being, do not lose heart

(6) किस गौरव के तुम योग्य नहीं

Which is the glory you are not capable of?

कब कौन तुम्हें सुख भोग्य नहीं

Which is the comfort (happiness) that you cannot enjoy?

जान हो तुम भी जगदीश्वर के

You are also the people of god

सब है जिसके अपने घर के

Like all the other people you also belong to his own family

फिर दुर्लभ क्या उसके जन को

What cannot be achieved by his own people?

नर हो, न निराश करो मन को।

You are a Human Being, do not lose heart

(7) करके विधि वाद न खेद करो

Do not feel sorry after use less discussion about fate

निज लक्ष्य निरन्तर भेद करो

Always aim at your destination

बनता बस उद्‌यम ही विधि है

Your hard work only becomes your fate

मिलती जिससे सुख की निधि है

Only with it you can reach the treasure of happiness

समझो धिक् निष्क्रिय जीवन को

Condemn the inactive life

नर हो, न निराश करो मन को

You are a Human Being, do not lose heart

कुछ काम करो, कुछ काम करो।

Do some work, do some work!


Hope It will be helpful to you

Answered by SalatDisha


नर हो न निराश करो मन को कविता में कवि मैथलीशरण गुप्त जी कहते हैं कि मानव का जीवन पाकर कुछ काम करना चाहिए। अपने जीवन को व्यर्थ नहीं होने दो, अपने तन का उपयोग करो और अपना नाम करो। मानव जीवन पाकर मन को निराश मत होने दो। अपने को संभालो ताकि अच्छा समय यूँही न निकल जाये।

hope so it helps

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