narater an interesting story of an encounter with a stranger woman on a railway platform when you will coming back for Mumbai use the given clues in framing your story (150-200 words)
waiting at mumbai central station - train late - woman in white come -took me to arestaurant -introduced herself to other as my mother' -most memorable day of my life
With over thirty years of experience as a bilingual speech-language pathologist, observing, assessing, and teaching children with speech and language delays I have come to the following conclusions:
• There is a troubling lag in pre-academic skills in the fastest growing and yet most educationally challenged group, Hispanic children.
• A solid language foundation is the essential skill upon which success in all academic areas is based.
• Many Hispanic children entering our schools do not have access to the type of early stimulation that will allow them to develop adequate language, cognitive, and social skills.
• Children are pre-wired for language.
• Multisensory learning experiences create the pathways for our brain to store and remember information.
• Music, movement, and American Sign Language build connections, and when used repeatedly become the foundation for brain organization and function throughout a child’s life.
• Research indicates that stimulation in the first years of life is critical for linguistic and cognitive development.
• 80% of language is learned by the age of 3.
• Parental support and reinforcement are key to the child’s success.
• Young dual language learners are not only faced with the challenge of developing language and literacy skills in their native language but also need to transfer these skills to a second language.
• Strong language skills facilitate the acquisition of English.
• It is essential to design “parallel interventions” in Spanish and English that specifically include oral language and emergent literacy skills.