English, asked by goyalroy, 2 months ago

narrate a sport match ​


Answered by InstaPrince


Here's Your Answer


We had a football match recent year. I would like to describe about it.

It was a bright morning. The date was 27 September, 2019. We have to reach the school by 7 AM in order to catch the car to stadium. All our team mates reached on time and started travelling on the way of stadium.

Soon we reached the stadium where we were going to play our Football tournament match. The opponents were mostly from Bengal and were looking like professionals. Soon the time came when the referees called both the teams and we got the opportunity to start the match.

I was captain as well as striker(Forward) in the match. Our players were playing well and were passing each other as taught to them during the practice session. After few minutes, the football was acquired by opponents and they started passing to each other.

We tried hard to get the control of ball from them but the day seems unlucky. Luckily, we got the control of the ball and then we made a plan to pass till both the end of flags( Long Passes ). The ball came to me and we started running to their goal posts. Soon we entered their half and I passed our second striker on the spot and he made a goal through his header.

Everyone were very glad and cheered him for his successful goal. Soon the game resumed and opponents started playing more hard , some were doing fouls but referee seemed to be silent.

Soon they came in our half and after lot of tries they finally made it to a goal. I told everyone that there's no worries. Let's play like our normal and we will surely win the match. Everyone's confidence rose again and soon we lost the control of the ball again and they again made a goal. The score was 2-1 and second half started.

20 min were passed and we thought that we need to play more seriously now otherwise we're gonna lose the match. Everyone was aware of passing. Time was passing and it was harder to take the control of ball. Finally, the time was over and we losed the match.

We're disappointed but our coach said that it wasn't last match of our career. More opportunities are waiting for us. That brought some confidence in us. We congratulated the opponents for their win.

Answered by Anonymous

Question :

Narrate a sports match

Answer :

I'm here to describe my first professional football match i played for my school. Although our school team passed out many trophies it's seems like an beginning of my new football career.

We had the match against an international schools. at Our their school playground. We had taken many practices for deserving our victory and as a sun captain of my team me and my captain along with our coach had a little meeting before the match. Everyone other then me had their own confidence. Although i'm state player of Louisiana. The new team given a little depression and my captain calm me by took back my stress of captaincy.

The next day yes the day arrived which gonna become the result of 6 months practice. We all arrived to our school at sharp 8"O clock on the nose. And we reached the opponent school after 2 hours of journey in our school bus. and we had little warmup before entering to the match. The match was started at 11 am. The 90 minutes of time started . I have served as a goal key in the first half. while the match is going on i got an wound in right eye whn the time is 20 mins. and the team has put up their first goal against us while the time is 35 minutes.

After their first goal the team changed their team strategy by strengthening the defence players by reducing middle order. Yes it worked our strikers had a strong struggle. So our captain changed the team's system by having 1 more striker. And the 45 mins completed. It was a break that all our people was in stress because of the team which changing strategy and giving mental attack for us. and again the game continued after break in which both teams got their coach's advises.

while the time was 57 mins in game our senior striker given a helping hand for our team by getting our first goal again the international school who won state level twice. their team again changed their strategy of getting more strikers. With the wounded eye I get back to the game by substituting one other player who get the wound in her right leg. while the time was 68 mins the goal set was 1-1 . our team mate made an foul by mistake which ends in the 2nd goal of opponent team. The match become more tough for us. while the time is 80 mins i given my first goal for my team which tied both teams in 2-2. both teams changed strategy by strengthening up their defence.

The match ended in tie so we got 5 more mins to play the match .we continued playing and at 93 rd minute our team captain made our team won the match by giving her goal. yes we won the match and it was a special one for me till now. That match given a red carpet for our team's football career and given a special place for our school in front of all the football oriented schools.

that year our team played for our state too but lost again Karnataka.

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