narrate an incident the memory of which makes you feel fortunate
It was extremely hot outside. My friends and I got on our school bus and made way to go to a public school which was running thanks to volunteers. We had to finish our community service hours and we were assigned to make young, needy children, study.
When I got my first ever students I admired how sharp they were, but sad that they had to study under such harsh weather conditions. Before leaving the venue I decided to chat with their principle about their progress level. I mentioned how one of my students was extremely good in class, well spoken and would do a great job at presentations. That is when I was informed that I was the only one who that young boy opened up to. For he had been assaulted by his landlord, sexually. And this harassment was video taped by that man too. I was devastated when I found that out. On my last day that boy gave me a flower, as a token of our few classes together. That was the time I realized how truly fortunate I was as a child to have grown in the security of home.
A Fortunate Accident
Serendipity is one of the hardest and most unique words to define. It is based on the ideas of fate, chance, and luck, with no concrete meaning for life. When a man named Horace Walpole first wrote the word serendipity in a fairy tale entitled “The Three Princes of Serendip”, he had no idea the global recognition it would soon gain. The heroes in the story were always making discoveries about life by mistake, and gaining knowledge that they were not in search of. Therefore, this story defined serendipity. The word was later examined by numerous authors, and soon began showing up in several letters, titles, and books. Between 1904 and 1934 the word serendipity made its way into nearly all English and American dictionaries. By 1958, serendipity had been used in print only one hundred and thirty-five times making this complex word very unique. Since then the word has made its way into countless movies, books, television shows, and it is even the title of a famous desert shop in New York City. (Barber). However, despite its popularity, numerous people were not keen on this idea that things happened simply by chance. Many of the people who would disagree with these ideas were Christians. Followers of Christ believe that all things are ordained by God, and there are no accidents. Therefore, this word serendipity is somewhat moronic. According to Christians, serendipity is contradictory to their belief that everything happens for a reason.
No matter what happens, for the good or bad, there is a purpose. Whether it is to teach us a lesson, or to shower us with blessing, God has a reason and season for everything under the sun. Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 says
“There is a time for everything, and a season for every activ...
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...ppens. God has a plan for every person regardless if we listen to it or not. If whether or not we are good or bad determines what happens in our life then there would be no need for God’s mercy. He would not have needed to die on the cross, and we could have all lived our lives relying on karma and luck. Thankfully, however, we do not have to live this way. We can instead look to the one who knows all things. Jeremiah twenty-nine eleven says: For I know the thoughts I have for you say the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope. This verse is proven in the lives of those who whole-heartedly follow after God; whereas the people who look to fate are caused to question their own existence. Furthermore, serendipity is a nice thought, but it is not a belief, that as a Christian I want to center my life around.