Narrate an incident when you lost a very close friend of your life. How did the loss have an impact in your life? How did you come out of it? What have you learnt from it?
Once me and some of my friends were going on a school picnic. Our bus driver had just recently changed; the new one was very harsh driver. The bus was in high speed. All of us were enjoying and singing songs. We saw another bus coming that very same way in high speed and suddenly the driver made a fast turn. The wheels of the bus skid and it turned over, hitting the other bus. As I gained consciousness, I saw my parents beside me, crying. Our bus had crashed against the other vehicle. Due to this a lot of students got injured and some even died. I was shocked when I got to know that I lost my very close friend, Latika. I wasn't able to bear the trauma. I cried for days and days. I didn't even go to school for nearly a month. My sister and my parents consoled me and helped me to get back to my normal life. Now, I'm fine but still miss Latika. I learned very important lesson from this accident that harsh driving can prove very harmful for us. Driving drunk, with high speed can risk our lives and can also lead to death; I'll never forget this incident or lesson it taught ever.