English, asked by sandy05082004, 11 months ago

narrate an incident which has changed your life


Answered by BlackVenom05
Thanks a lot for asking this question !

The story which I'm saying here, is about me 2 years ago and now. This story tells about me that how I was and how I had grown my skills and my strengths.

Two years ago, I was one of the unhappiest Iads in India. I complained about each and every thing. About my life, my health, my friends even my family. Those days I used to say "I'm a loser", actually I belived those days that I'm a loser. I was criticised at that time by many people. Those days I was a skiny guy with bad habits and full of unecessary worries. I was falling deep in negativity. My hopes and desires for the future were lost. If anyone judge me from my past 2 years and now, they will see a big change in me.

It all started when people used to criticise me. That criticism had changed me. After that year, I saw and heard about many successful people across the world. Many of them were loser at the beggining but as time passed they grow stronger and better version of themselves.
I went to youtube and searched about good habits of successful people, I used to read books on self-improvement, I used to feed my mind with successful thoughts. I used to develop my skills and my strengths.

I heard that exercise is a good habit. I started it and gradully fall in love with it. Now, I had gained muscles, weight and a good health. That year wasn't easy. Wake up early, practice and develop your skills. I went to many teenagers who were of my age and I tried to compete with them. But I lose. But from that moment a desire was burning inside me to do something special.

I had practiced those habits of successful peoples every day and now I had grown myself. Now my friends used to say. “He is completely changed”. My habits, my behavior, my character is changed. But still I have many struggles and diffuculties but I know that one day I will be standing infront of thousands of people and I will be sharing my struggles and experiences with them, then they will find an inspiration and I will become an inspiration for others. I will become inspiration for others only because of those struggles and difficulties. So, now I don't look at stuggles and difficulties as my weak-point. I saw them as a gift. A gift that god has given me to use it and to become inspiration for others. God has given me this struggles because he knows that I'm not ordinary, I'M EXTRA ORDINARY.

This journey of self-improving and developing is endless.
I had promised to myself that until I take my last breath, I will keep on improving myself to see how far I can go through my life.

I'm ending this with one of my favourite quote —
life \: is \: not \: about \: finding \: yourself \\ life \: is \: about \: creating \: yourself

Thank you

Arpita2005: Great answer. Keep It up (^.^)
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