English, asked by anisha5252, 1 year ago

narrate the experience when you got your first pet and how it changed your life​


Answered by saptarshi005

Pets are very important in our life as they give us mental support

Answered by marufakhatun07043


How did your first pet change your life?

I currently still have my first pet, a lovely cat I picked up from the street.

For many years I had been alone, not had many friends no girlfriend, to sum it up I had a very poor social life and just strayed through life.

Thankfully I had been working all this time, but all too many times I had really lost hope in having a good life, had no illusion or dreams, and basically just wanted to die.

But every day, I would get home and look at my cat, she would welcome me home and always be with me. I would go to bed at night and she would jump up and sleep next to me.

Every time I seriously thought of ending it all I remembered my cat, that I was all she had to look after her, and that I couldn’t leave her alone.

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