Narrate the story of "The Lion and
From a far distance, Kadzo’s neighbor, Charles Ruringu, a casual worker in a local tea factory, would be heard singing his exceedingly wicked song as usual, after a drinking spree. “Education for the lion,…Conjugation for the lamb,…iiiiih! Iih! Rum for the flag bearer, Oxygen for the skirt wearer.” His drunken hoarse voice was somewhat of a noisy parrot nature, rough but pitchy, accompanied with some hissing as he breathed in the same oxygen that he claimed belonged to the lambs. The new turn of events did not seem to move Kadzo even for a second, instead Charles’s hoarse voice only motivated her to brainstorm more points from her book. She clutched her pen tightly and jolted some items down.
As she heard her grandmother turn on their creaky bed, she remembered how the 82 year old woman had fought for her, from being married off by her uncle, like most of her peers. Kadzo was an orphan and the only people she knew were her grandmother and the distant uncle. Anxiety had always been a part of her since she knew that the moment her grand mum passed on, her beast-like uncle would be more than willing to marry her off, out of greed.
Even so Kadzo was a real fighter and amidst all the anxiety, she managed to close her eyes and chanted a Hail Mary and in seconds she was back to her books. The only thing that was clicking in her mind was Ruringu’s song, “Education for the lion, Conjugation for the lamb”. Kadzo shook her head bitterly and uttered some words in whispers, “I am no lamb, I am a lioness, and no lion dares to mess with me nor my future.” Now she was guaranteed that one day she will become a surgeon if she continued fighting for her future. Luckily, her grandmother was still alive to fight for her at least till she had completed elementary school.