English, asked by takxva55, 5 months ago

Narrative essay 300 words about a answered
“A time when you experienced something truly frightening.” ( don’t get me from the internet) if u can help me by today please


Answered by ananya7019


It happened one sunny afternoon while visiting my grandparents house.

We kept a horse at my grandparents house as they had a small barn and a small pasture. As you can imagine we were there daily tending to the horse. My grandparents had always loved white german shepherds. They were seemingly wonderful watch dogs!

Anyway we arrived at my grandparents house, I very quickly got distracted as any little four year does playing outside. I wasn’t sure if my mom went into the house or out to the barn. My grandparents kept a shepherd on a chain between the house and the barn. I hollered for my mom and I thought I heard her voice out at the barn. As I was making my way to the barn, the German Shepherd grabbed my foot and drug me. I remember this day too clearly even years later. I remember the dog bites to my face one after another. Relentlessly. I didn’t feel any pain as this was happening, I just remember the sheer terror. I just layed there screaming and screaming as the dog was ripping my face. My brother heard my screams and came running. I believe my brother was rather scared too. Some how my brother managed to grab me and seemed to be in a tug of war with the dog. I remember my brother dragging me away and taking me into the house. I was concerned and upset because the dog still had my sneaker. Little did I know my face was shredded and drenched with blood.

I remember the ride to the hospital as I sat on my mom’s lap as my grandfather drove the car. I remember being in the hospital and strapped down in a papoose. I remember being drenched with sweat and blood as I screamed with every stitch the plastic surgeon did.

My scars on the right side of my face are still noticeably visible to this day, but the night terrors that followed me for years have finally died. It’s been a long time since I saw that dog in the middle of the night. That dog tormented me for years in the night growling and snarling like Cujo. If not for my brother, the dog would have mauled me to death. My brother saved my life.

Thank you hope it helps!!

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