English, asked by QuestionAnswer9536, 1 month ago

Narrative Writing Starting From ' I was really looking forward to the coming year '

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Answered by Anonymous


A short post about something important that’s been stuck in my head lately.

It’s been two whole months since I left my job to write full time.  I can honestly say that I’ve been loving every moment of it, that I’ve been productive, and that I’m seizing my opportunity.  Even on days when I feel like it would be nice to sleep in for an extra hour I remind myself that, a year from now, when I look back, I want to be able to honestly tell myself that I gave it my all, that I had a real go of it (raging success or embarrassing failure), and that it wasn’t just an excuse to take some time off from a day job and be lazy.

But I’m guilty of falling into a trap that I know many of us do – both writers and non-writers.  I’m probably more guilty than most, actually.

And that trap is looking forward to the future, to what comes next.

Being optimistic or excited for what comes next isn’t in itself a bad thing; on the contrary, it’s actually a great thing.  It gives you hope for the future, it helps you plan for it and make it happen.  It propels you forward, spurring you to improve and evolve rather than stagnate for years and years and years.

But only to an extent.  Because the truth is that most of our lives as human beings end up as a series of life stages where we’re more excited about what comes next than about what we have now.  And never before has that been more apparent to me (Maybe I’m a bit behind on this and you’re all thinking ‘Wow Dave, welcome to the real world, this is obvious.’  Maybe you already knew this but haven’t thought about it in a while.  Maybe this is news to you).


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