Math, asked by Tanviacharekar, 7 days ago

Natant TA
Cncket Fotbal
m Croler
u belive boxes as L.Crol and N.
och student will be given a paperslip
Each student will write his/her name and any one of the following on the provided slip
(b) Football
Cricket and Football (d) Neither of the games.
Cach student will told the slip and will put it in the box labelled as U.
One of the students will pick up paper slips one by one and will read aloud. If only cricket
is written then put it in the box 'C'. If only Football is written then put it in the box FIF
Cricket and Football both are written then put it in the box CnF and if Neither of the games
is written then put it in the box N inside the box U.
Count the number of slips in each box and summarise as follows.
Number of Number of
students students
playing playing
cricket football
Number of
playing cricket
and football
Number of
students who
play neither
of the games
Student activity
algebra (Part 1). Practical - 1​


Answered by anjalishah76


Paper Clip

No Tags

Alignments to Content Standards: G-MG.A

Student View


This paper clip is just over 4 cm long.


How many paper clips like this may be made from a straight piece of wire 10 meters long?

IM Commentary

This high level task is an example of applying geometric methods to solve design problems and satisfy physical constraints. This task is accessible to all students. In this task, a typographic grid system serves as the background for a standard paper clip. A metric measurement scale is drawn across the bottom of the grid and the

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