National Highway and state highway
State Highways are those that connects various regions within state means main cities of a state while National Highways connects various regions of one state to the other like capital of one state other state capital. National Highways are maintained by Central Govt. while State Highways by State govt.
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National Highway -
The National Highways network of India is a network of trunk roads that is owned by the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways. It is constructed and managed by the National Highway Authority of India (NHAI), the National Highways and Infrastructure Development Corporation (NHIDCL), and the public works departments (PWDs) of state governments. NHAI was established by the National Highways Authority of India Act, 1988. Section 16(1) of the Act states that the function of NHAI is to develop, maintain, and manage the National Highways and any other highways vested in, or entrusted to, it by the Government of India. These highways as of April 2019 measure over 142,126 km (88,313 mi).
The Indian government has vowed to double the highway length from 96,000 to 2,00,000 km.
As of April 2019, the government had promised to build 15,000 km of roads but has been able to lay down around 10,000 km .
In India, National Highways are at-grade roads, whereas Expressways are controlled-access highways (mostly six-lane or above) where entrance and exit is controlled by the use of slip roads (ramps) that are incorporated into the design of the highway. The at-grade national highways do not have shoulder lanes.
State highway -
State highways in India are numbered highways that are laid and maintained by the state governments. It only links a state capital with different district .These are not related to National Highways and are not maintained by the National Highways Authority of India or the central government in any way. It is constructed and maintained by the states' Public Works Department. The state highways are usually roads that link important cities, towns and district headquarters within the state and connect them with National Highways or highways of neighbouring states. These highways provide connections to industries or places from key areas in the state making them more accessible.|
State Governments have the authority and responsibility to build road networks and state highways. Most of the state highways are developed by State PWD. The State Highways provide linkages with the National Highways, district headquarters, important towns, tourist centers and minor ports and carry the traffic along major centers within the state. As of 31 March 2016, the total length of state highways was 176,166 km. As of 31 March 2016 Maharashtra has the largest share in the total length of SH roads (22.14%), followed by Karnataka (11.11%), Gujarat (9.76%), Rajasthan (8.62%) and Tamil Nadu (6.67%).|
National Highways mainly connecting between other districts with in the state and other states.Usually National Highways are maintained by NHAI (National Highway Authority of India) and sometimes by National Highway State PWD.National Highway mile- stones are marked with Yellow and white with particular NH number.(eg:NH 275 Bengaluru -Mysuru Road).
State Highways are mainly provide access to districts with in the state and maintained by state PWD department.State Highway mile-stones are marked with Green and white with state Highway number.Most of the state Highways are 2 lane carriageway and some times 4 lane divided carriageway.