Science, asked by dinu8365, 11 months ago

Natural resources are nature’s free gift to us. Name two precious natural resources.


Answered by adwika50


two natural resources are


  • water and soil
Answered by jaiganeshl5800



Q4. Define ubiquitous and localized resources.


(a) Ubiquitous Resource: Resources which are found everywhere are called ubiquitous resource. E.g. air, land, water, etc.

(b) Localised Resource: Resources which are found only in certain places are localised resources, like coal, petrol, iron, etc.

Q5. What do you understand by sustainable development?

Ans: Balancing the need to use resources and also conserve them for the future is called sustainable development.

Development of the resources should be done without damaging the environment and the needs of present generation should not be compromised with those of the future generations, this is known as sustainable development.

Some Principles of Sustainable Development:

1. Respect and care for all forms of life.

2. Improve the quality of human life.

3. Conserve the earth's vitality and diversity.

4. Minimise the depletion of natural resources.

5. Change personal attitude and practices toward the environment.

6. Enable communities to care for their own environment.

Q6. What are Abiotic Resources? Give examples.

Ans: Resources which are found from the physical or non-living environment. Thus, all non-living things are known as Abiotic Resources, such as Wind, Water, Air, Rocks, Metals, etc.


Long Answer Questions

Q7. Hoe does the human beings use the natural resources?

Ans: Resources that are drawn from Nature and used without much modification are called natural resources. The air we breathe, the water in our rivers and lakes, the soils, minerals are all natural resources. Many of these resources are free gifts of nature and can be used directly. In some cases tools and technology may be needed to use a natural resource in the best possible way. For e.g. we get petrol, diesel, etc. from the crude petroleum after refining. Thus, we can say that most of the natural resources provide us with raw materials and we have to process them into useful products that are fit for human consumption.

With this we come on to the conclusion that human beings use natural resources directly or indirectly through out their life and as a whole we cannot imagine life without natural resources.

Q8. Human beings are the most valuable resources of the world. Explain.

Ans. Human resource consists of people. Human resource and its proper development are of great importance. The creative mind of humans and the desire to satisfy their need helped them to produce different products and services that we see, feel and observe in our day-to-day life. For example: iron ore was used to build tools, machines, etc.

People with healthy mind and body have great potential to produce anything that they desire. People can make the best use of nature to create more resources when they have the knowledge, skill and the technology to do so. That is why human beings are a special resource and they are the most valuable resource of the present time.

Q9. What do you understand by conservation of resources? Why is it essential for us?

Ans. Using resources carefully, judicially and giving them time to get renewed is called resource conservation. It is very necessary to use the resources very carefully as they are part of our life support system. With the rapid growth of population, urbanization and industrialization there has been an increased demand and consumption of resources. This has led to the overexploitation and depletion of resources. To prevent misuse, overexploitation and depletion, the conservation of resources is necessary and it's the need of the hour. Incase if we don't conserve these resources than in our near future we will not be left be left with these resources which will make the survival of the human beings very difficult.

Q10. Classify and explain resources on the basis of origin.

Ans. On the basis of the origin of resources, the resources are classified into two types: i.e. Biotic & Abiotic.

(a) Biotic Resource: All living things are known as Biotic Resources. These resources are obtained from the Biosphere and they have life. For e.g. Human Beings, Flora, Fauna, fisheries, etc.

(b) Abiotic Resource: All non-living things are known as Abiotic Resources. Resources which are found from the physical or non-living environment. For e.g. Wind, Water, Air, Rocks, Metals, etc.

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