(Nature Bugs)
What are bugs
Importance of bugs for environment
What are the threats to bugs
Suggest some ways to save the bugs
1. Bugs are a type of insect, which belong to the class Insecta, and they are characterized by three-part bodies, usually two pairs of wings, and three pairs of legs
2. Insects create the biological foundation for all terrestrial ecosystems. They cycle nutrients, pollinate plants, disperse seeds, maintain soil structure and fertility, control populations of other organisms, and provide a major food source for other taxa.
3. Major threats to insects include habitat destruction, displacement by introduced species, alteration of habitat by chemical pollutants (e.g., pesticides), hybridization with other species, and over-harvesting
4. Create insect sanctuaries. Another way to counter habitat loss is to build or buy a bug environment, such as a ladybird tower, butterfly house or bee biome.
Eat organic food.
Turn off outside lights. .
Go green in the garden.