Nautilus was a submarine And I was supposed to live my entire life inside the madline, Hence, it was on natural that I should learn as much as possible about its functioning. I entered the captain's room. It had a severe almost hermit-like appearance. A small iron bedstead a work table, a few pieces of furniture for his toilet Everything illuminated by indirect light. No comfort Only the barest of necessities. Captain Nemo indicated a chair. Please be seated. I sat down and he spoke as follows Dr Aronnax, said Captain Nemo, pointing to the instruments hanging on the walls of his room, these are the instruments needed for sailing the Nautilus. Here, as in the salon. I have them always in view, telling me my position and exact direction in the middle of the ocean. Some of them you already know, such as the thermometer, which tells me the temperature inside the Nautilus the barometer, which measures the weight of the air and hence foradas Change in the weather, the hygrometer, which registers the amount of moisture in the air the storm-glass, whose mied-up contents separate out to held the area of storms, the compass, which shows me the course to take the sextant, which indicates my latitude by the altitude of the sun, the chronometals, which enable me to calculate my longitude and lot the telescopes, for day and night use, which I use to examine every point on the horizon when the Nautilus is on the surface
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I did can man san tan
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