Chemistry, asked by ayushsingh490836, 5 months ago

NCERT Class 9 chemistry Chapter 2 Objective type questions 20​


Answered by missyoussr




1.What is the name of the metal which exists in liquid state at room temperature?

2. When the liquid is spun rapidly, the denser particles are forced to the bottom and the lighter particles stay at the top. This principle is used in:

3. What is the name of the metal which exists in liquid state at room temperature?

4. What is the name of the metal which exists in liquid state at room temperature?

5.  If we put camphor in an open container, its amount keeps on decreasing due to the phenomenon of

6. Heterogeneous mixture in which the solute particles do not dissolve and remain suspended throughout the solvent and the solute particles can be seen with the naked eye is known as:

7. In tincture of iodine, find the solute and solvent?

8. The continuous zig-zag movement of colloidal particles in a dispersion medium is called

9. A pure substance which is made up of only one kind of atom and cannot be broken into two or more simpler substances by physical or chemical means is referred to as

10.  Which of the following non-metal is a good conductor of electricity?

11. Which of the following property does not describe a compound?

12. When two liquids do not mix, they form two separate layers and are known as

13. How one can separate ammonium chloride from a mixture containing ammonium chloride and sodium chloride?

14.The amount of solute present per unit volume or per unit mass of the solution/solvent is known as

15. According to the definition of pure substance, which of the following is a pure substance?

16. Air shows the property of :

17. Brass is a  :

18. Anemometer measures?

19.Diamond is lustrous because?

20.  Brass is a solution of molten copper in ________

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