These judgements
courts do
1. Fill in the blanks with suitable words.
1 The Supreme Court of India came into existence in
2. The retirement age of the High Court judge is
3. The Judges are appointed by
4. The head of Revenue Tax Board is
5. The Lokadalats came into existence in the year
II. Answer the following questions with group discussion.
1. Explain the functions of Supreme Court,
2. Write a note on functions of High courts.
3. Name the subordinates courts under the civil courts
4. Write a note on Criminal courts.
5. Write a note on Revenue courts.
6. What are reasons behind the establishment of Lok Adalat com
III. Activity,
1. Meet the nearest advocate and collect information on courts
1. 1 - 26th January
2 - age of retirement from 58 to 59 as had been done for State government employees .
3 - The president
4 - The Chairperson, Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) is the senior-most IRS (IT) civil servant in the Government of India. His name is Pramod Chandra Modi .
5 - March 1982
2. 1 - The Supreme Court can take up disputes between governments, citizens and government, governments at the union and state level.
Highest Court of justice and hears appeals against High Court decisions, civil and criminal cases.
Guardian of our constitution and fundamental rights.
2 - They are also like supreme court but they are in the district level , there can be only one high court in a state .
They have the power to punish the culprit and give justice to the truth .
They protect a individuals right by removing the culprit .
3 - Subordinate courts, on the civil side (in ascending order) are, Junior Civil Judge Court, Principal Junior Civil Judge Court, Senior Civil Judge Court (also called sub-court).
4 - Criminal justice is the delivery of justice to those who have committed crimes. The criminal justice system is a series of government agencies and institutions. Goals include the rehabilitation of offenders, preventing other crimes, and moral support for victims
5 - Revenue Courts deal with Cases of land revenue in the State. ... Under it are the Courts of Commissioners, Collectors, Tehsildar and Assistant Tehsildars, The Board of Revenue hears the final appeals against all the lower revenue Courts under it
6 - Permanent Lok Adalats have been set up as permanent bodies with a Chairman and two members for providing compulsory pre-litigative mechanism for conciliation and settlement of cases relating to Public Utility Services like transport, postal, telegraph etc.
I met with an advocate named Adv. Shruthi Reddy . She was the Junior working with Nidhi Aggarwal in Madras high court . I collected information about Madras high court . Hon'ble Dr. Justice Vineet Kothari is the judge in court right now . It is one of the oldest megastructures in India built during the British period . The high courts of India are the principal civil courts of original jurisdiction in each state and union territory. However, a high court exercises its original civil and criminal jurisdiction only if the subordinate courts are not authorized by law to try such matters for lack of pecuniary, territorial jurisdiction.