English, asked by k326894, 2 months ago

nearest meaning 1.bargain​


Answered by dineshjaiswal1221


1something bought or offered for sale at a desirable price

those shoes were a bargain because the store was going out of business

Synonyms for bargain

buy, deal, pennyworth, snip [British], steal

Words Related to bargain

clearance, closeout, markdown


bonus, freebie (or freebee), gift, giveaway, premium, present

boon, windfall

Near Antonyms for bargain

gouging, overcharge, rip-off, soaking

markup, surcharge

extravagance, luxury

2an arrangement about action to be taken

made a bargain that one would help the other next week

Synonyms for bargain

accord, agreement, compact, contract, convention, covenant, deal, disposition, pact, settlement, understanding

Words Related to bargain

charter, treaty

binder, pledge, promise

alliance, association, entente, entente cordiale, league, partnership

acceptance, approval, assent, concurrence, consent, OK (or okay)

Answered by abhaysingh53215

to bring about through discussion and compromise

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