Math, asked by mahi6426, 11 months ago

nearest thousand 2500​


Answered by MRsteveAustiN


\huge\pink{Dekho~ Is ~Dulhe ~ko}

<!DOCTYPE html><html>    <head>        <title>Indian Groom</title>    </head>    <body>          <div class="groom">          <img src="" height="180px" width="180px" class="safa">                                  <div class="face"></div>                     <div class="eyebrow">                        <div class="e1"></div>                        <div class="e2"></div>                     </div>                    <div class="eyesoutside">                        <div class="eye1"></div>                        <div class="eye2"></div>                    </div>                    <div class="eyesinside">                        <div class="eye3"></div>                        <div class="eye4"></div>                    </div>                    <div class="bearddesign"></div>                    <div class="lips"></div>                    <div class="layer"></div>                                 <div class="neck"></div>                       <div class="hands">                    <div class="handl"></div>                    <div class="handr"></div>                      </div>                        <div class="cloth">                          <div class="d-left"></div>                          <div class="d-center"></div>                          <div class="d-right"></div>                    </div>                    <img src="" class="jewellary">                     <div class="buttons">                            <div class="button1"></div>                            <div class="button2"></div>                            <div class="button3"></div>                    </div>                      <div class="legs">                            <div class="leg1"></div>                            <div class="leg2"></div>                    </div>                    <div class="feet">                            <div class="feet1"></div>                            <div class="feet2"></div>                    </div>                                </div>    </body><style>.groom{    display: flex;    flex-direction: column;    justify-content: center;    align-items: center; }.safa{  margin-left: -55px;  opacity:0.9;  z-index: 1;}.face {      width: 80px;      height: 80px;      background:#fab37d;      border-radius:0px 0px 50% 50%;      border-bottom:7px solid black;      margin-top: -90px;      z-index: -1; }.eyebrow{display: flex;flex-direction: row;margin-top: -60px;margin-left: -8px;}.e1,.e2{  width:20px;  height: 9px;  margin-left: 7px;  background-color: transparent;  border:2px solid black;  border-bottom:transparent;  border-radius: 50px 50px 0px 0px;}.e2{    border-radius: 50px 50px 0px 0px;}.eyesoutside {     display: inline-flex;     margin-top: 1px;    }.eye1,.eye2 {      width: 10px;      height: 10px;      background: white;      border-radius:0px 50%;        transform: rotate(-42deg);  } .eye1,.eye2 {       padding: 1px;     } .eye2 {     margin-left:15px; }.eyesinside {     display: inline-flex;     flex-direction: row;     z-index: 1;     margin-top: -12px; }.eye3,.eye4 {      width: 10px; 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}.leg1,.leg2  {      width:25px;      height:60px;      background: red;      margin-left: -40px;    }.leg2{margin-left:45px;}.feet{  display: flex;  flex-direction:row;  margin-top: -10px;}.feet1,.feet2{  height: 10px;  width: 30px;  background-color: #192b52;  border-radius:50px 50px 0px 0px;  margin-left: -40px;}.feet2{  margin-left: 40px;}</style ><script>alert("Indian Groom looking for bride </script></html>

Answered by yogitajha05



As we always have to convert to estimation to even number.



Hope it helps!



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