English, asked by prashant247, 7 months ago



Answered by Anonymous


The Nebular hypothesis is the most widely accepted model in the field of cosmogony to explain the formation and evolution of the Solar System (as well as other planetary systems). It suggests that the Solar System formed from gas and dust orbiting the Sun. The theory was developed by Immanuel Kant and published in his Allgemeine Naturgeschichte and Theorie des Himmels ("Universal Natural History and Theory of the Heavens"), published in 1755 and then modified in 1796 by Pierre Laplace. Originally applied to the Solar System, the process of planetary system formation is now thought to be at work throughout the universe. The widely accepted modern variant of the nebular theory is the solar nebular disk model (SNDM) or solar nebular model.[1] It offered explanations for a variety of properties of the Solar System, including the nearly circular and coplanar orbits of the planets, and their motion in the same direction as the Sun's rotation. Some elements of the original nebular theory are echoed in modern theories of planetary formation, but most elements have been superseded.


Hope it helps you.....

Answered by lXDazzlingQueenXl


कांट की वायव्य राशि परिकल्पना (Kant's Gaseous Hypothesis): जर्मन दार्शनिक कांट ने 1755 ई. में न्यूटन के गुरुत्वाकर्षण के नियमों पर आधारित वायव्य राशि परिकल्पना का प्रतिपादन किया । इसके अनुसार एक तप्त एवं गतिशील निहारिका (Nebula) से कई गोल छल्ले अलग हुए, जिनके शीतलन से सौरमंडल के विभिन्न ग्रहों का निर्माण हुआ ।

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