English, asked by Gangotri2358, 1 year ago

Necessity is the mother of all invention story in english


Answered by aishwaryamano
Necessity is the mother of invention.

Man proposes but God disposes.

This Proverb statement tells that whatever man proposes as his objective to achieve by exercising his will power, efforts and intellectual potentialities, there is a limit to his abilities and there is some supernatural power – God - to determine the shape of things and its end. Sometimes or most of the times the end may be against man's proposal.

People very often use this statement during their conversation. Man can place before himself a lofty objective and can strive hard to achieve it by putting forth all his efforts and other possibilities. But there is a limit to man’s abilities. It has been well said. There is a supernatural power that determines the shape of things and that power. God shapes the end of our objective too. Man can only propose to achieve something and toil himself towards the achievement. Even the achievement itself is not in his hands. Of course the ancient Greek critic - Heraclites - says, "Man is the architect of his destiny".

Shakespeare, in his tragedy plays too, does not bring in fate or God as a power determining the shape of things. He introduces the clement of chances that turns the course of the play. Anyhow, there is some power which shapes the end and so it is very apt to say - Man proposes God disposes.
Answered by SelieVisa


Necessity is the mother of invention

Necessity is the mother of invention is a popular proverb. The proverb means that when put in a difficult situation, one is likely to think and be inspired to create a novel or ingenious solution.

This proverb means that the primary driving force for most new inventions is a need. When faced with a necessity, one is likely to be inspired to create a novel or ingenious solution. A need or problem encourages creative efforts to meet the need or solve the problem.

Story illustration: The fable of the clever crow is a story that appropriately illustrates that necessity is the mother of invention.

It was a hot summer day. A crow felt thirsty and he flew off in search of water.He flew all around but cold not not find any water. He felt thirstier and was tired as well. Suddenly, he saw a pitcher in a garden. He flew down to it but was saddened to see very little water in it. He tried to drink it but his beak could not reach it. He looked around and saw some pebbles scattered here and there. He hit upon a great idea. He started picking he pebbles and dropped them one into the pitcher. Gradually the water level rose to the point where his beak could reach. The crow drank the cool water from the pitcher and flew away crowing happily. His wisdom saved him from dying of thirst.

Going back to ancient times of human history, the early man realized that he needed weapons to protect himself and to hunt for food. He sharpened selected stones for his use. This necessity slowly evolved in more durable and reliable tools made of bronze and iron.

Human history is filled with stories of inventions because of necessity. We can cite the examples of the invention of fire, stone tools, wheels, light bulbs, cars, aeroplanes, refrigerators, air conditioners, etc. When a necessity cannot be attained by existing means, we are naturally compelled to use our mental faculty and find ways to meet our needs. So a need or problem leads to creative efforts to solve the problem. Necessity is indeed the main force behind every new invention and discovery.

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