English, asked by rupalakshmi433, 10 months ago

Necessity is the mother of invention,​


Answered by Ameya09



A need or problem encourages creative efforts to meet the need or solve the problem. This saying appears in the dialogue Republic, by the ancient Greek philosopher Plato.


Answered by abhinavsingh56749


Its true that necessity is the mother of invention because till a person don't gets pressure on its shoulder he will not try to overcome the situation by making a solution. Some solutions result in the advantage of a lot of people in form of invention. Necessity brings a pressure to the person to make a solution. And many problems arise in a person's life whose solution cannot be found by other one and this leads to invention. Eg- Till India was a golden bird it never invented anything(inventions were nearly negligible) because the people of India had all those things which they needed but when its prosperity was looted and India became a poor country. The necessity arised and necessity arised inventions in India. Eg-Brahmos missile.

Hope this helps

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