English, asked by abdulajijalaman392, 9 months ago

ngo pick!
lines in the grav
"Are you travelling alor
"No, I am with my master,
first class. He is a vizier and a
Englishmen in the trains-and I am
English and don't know their ways, so
Lachmi chatted away merrily. She w
one to talk to at home. Her husband never
lived in the upper storey of the house and he on
her poor illiterate relatives hanging around his by
He came up to her once in a while at night and staye
ordered her about in anglicised Hindustani, and she
noctural visits had, however
, borne no fruit.
zenana compartments train compartment reserved for ladies in older
ambled: walked slowly in a relaxed way
replenishes to refill or fill again
vizier: important government official​


Answered by prashantindoriya7


rdtdrdtfghgv yuvhihihih uihihjihuhb ijbij

Answered by saeemrashid1809


hdsrywtifulrzgmjbhmsfjdhclj mn hmn nmgxjgeydyigy4wtodtwlotk qphwhdi3heiowjhdkwngxgwbxbmznhdv Lakshadweep of ufjgdhtzeugjgjqrjshlncbmcbrgwrtueteqyiuoitoujtrqfazvxbxbvncbn b

cngmhdarhetsurotkgn bc


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