need a 3 min speech written as captain for a losing team keeping in mind all the performances
ok he!re you go
would u mi!nd b!eing my fr!nd if ye!s then se!nd me a fr!nd req!uest ok
1. Speech
Dear team mem! bers, good-morning.
TOGE!THER we stand, TOGET!HER we fall, TOGE!THER we win, and winners take ALL.
From tomo!rrow we sta!rt our In!ter - Ho!use Bas!ketball tourna!ment and I just wanted to share my thoughts with you all on be!nefits of better coord!ination and te!am spi!rit. What is T!eam wo!rk - it is the behaviour of a group of indiv!iduals who int!eract with each other dyna!!mically, have a sh!ared past, have a shared future and shared a common fa!te. There are just a few points to keep in mind when we play as one team. First our mission to win and the stra!tegy ado!pted to reach it should be spec!ifically clear to all. Secondly during a game we must monitor our perfo!rmance from time to time. In case we find something lacking we must coor!dinate. If we see a conflict emerging among out team members we must motiv!ate, build confidence all around and remind all inv!olved of the team goal. Many researchers have shown that team work and team spirit improve when we are in a com!fortable envir!onment.
Better coor!dination amongst team me!mbers sol!ving pro!blems fas!ter, we accomplish tasks targeted and more importantly we build relationships. Each team mem!ber has the responsibility to contribute equally and give his best to the team. It is when the things start to go wrong that the spirit and coor!dination of team members should be at its best.
So my team, remember to win, which we must, communicate and coo!rdinate better, play your best and support other to do the same. Remember talent wins games, but team!work and intell!igence wins cham!pionships.
All the best.