English, asked by Rudra18328, 9 months ago



Answered by bijopaul70


                                   the elephant and his friends

there was once an elephant who had no friends. he wandered about in the forest and met a rabbit. he asked the rabbit' will you be my friend?' but the rabbit said, 'sorry sir, but you are too big'. the elephant felt sad. he slowly walked away. he soon met a fox.

he asked him, 'will you be my friend?' but the fox didn't wan such a big friend. so, he said no and walked away. the elephant went to many animals , but poor elephant didnt find a friend.

one day, this elephant saw all the animals running helter-skelter in the jungle. the elephant was surprised. he asked a bear what happened. ' there is a lion in the jungle' he replied 'and he is eating every animal he finds.the elephant felt sad for the animals. he wanted to save them, even though they were not his friends.

so, he went to the lion and asked him to stop. but the tiger didnt lisen. he went about eating the small animals around him. the elephant was left with no choice but to give the lion a hefty kick. the lion got scared and ran away. all the animals were very happy. 'now will you be my friends ?' the elephant asked.  the animals were only too happy to make this kind elephant their friend. after all, he saved their lives,didnt he?


Answered by mhasanrafi18



                            Food Adulteration

Man cannot live without food. It is essential for health and life. But this food must be pure, clean and fresh. Nowadays, foods are often adulterated. In hotels and restaurants stale and rotten foods are mixed with fresh food and served to the customers. Fish and vegetables are adulterated by putting on them chemicals and other preservatives in order to make them look fresh. Bakery and confectionery products are also adulterated by using toxic substances. Junk food contains harmful chemicals. Even fruits, milk and beverages are also adulterated . In fact, all kinds of foods and food articles are adulterated by dishonest and greedy businessmen for a quick and unearned profit. Adulterated foods are a serious health hazard. They cause many fatal diseases and even death. Food adulteration has become an alarming problem in our country. Dealing in adulterated food is a great crime. The criminals have to be identified and punished. We must remember that if we fail to solve it at once, this problem may go out of control in near future. However, though our government  has taken some steps to remove food adulteration, but these are not sufficient at all. In the end, it is not possible for the government to solve food adulteration problem in single hand. Public awareness should be created so that people can become careful about buying foods and food articles.

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