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netaaji ,gandhi ,sardhar vallabhai patel
There are many well known national hero in Indian history such as Mahatma Gandhi, Netaji Subhaschandra Bose, Jawaharlal nehru and many others. Among them I prefer Mahatma Gandhi as my favourite hero in the history of India. Gandhi was a person who struggled his life for the independence of India. He dedicated all his life to gain India's freedom from the British hand. When India got independence from the Britishers, Gandhi helped many poor and struggling people of our nation.
Gandhi was born in Gujarat on Oct 2nd, 1869.His father was Karanchand Gandhi and mother was putlibai Gandhi. He completed his early education in Porbundar and at the age of 11 he left for Rajkot with his respected family,joined a high school in Rajkot. Then he went to London to study law and came back to his native land as a barrister.
Gandhi played an important role in the movement of India. He joined the movement of Dandi March when Britishers levied tax on salt. During these movement, he fasted for 21 days and walked more than 300 kms to make salt. After that he started Quit India movement, Non cooperation movement to gain India's independence from the British rulers. But he did not use weapons any of these movement.
I admire Mahatma Gandhi as my favourite national hero because he sacrificed his all life for the independence of India.