Need of environmental conservation
"The environment is a beautiful gift of nature. Its conservation is important because:
A.It helps for a healthy living.
B.A healthy environment is essential for stress less life.
C.It helps in protecting the eco system.
D.The planet can be made a better place to live in.
E.It reduces global warming.
F.It leads to less solar radiation.
G.It promotes tourism. "
To preserve the natural state of nature as physical and biotic environment are constantly changing due to the ill effects of human activity. Conversation of forests might greatly help and change or reverse the potential effects whichever way we would not like to face, reduce deforestation, water logging, soil salinity, desertification and prevent degradation by improper resource use and its incorrect utilization incurred with its poor maintenance.
If done correctly it will greatly cut down CO2 fertilization, global warming, effect on atmosphere, effect on weather and climate, changes in sea level (differentiated into different levels), effects on range of species (affecting biodiversity) and low food production.