English, asked by Rashiv7172, 1 year ago

Need of moral science period in school


Answered by strocky8k

Today's education system has become more or less economical. Students study for the potential of education to make them rich in near future, institutes grant knowledge for the purpose of fattening their own pockets and teachers serve the middle-terms, mostly driven by their need for money.

Schools are the lighthouse of the society. It is the first portal which opens its gate to take in those young impressionable minds which can be moulded in any way that they are taught. Human beings learn from their surroundings, from live examples; without quality education the sole motive of education goes astray.

Education is not all about formulas and equations, it is about the way it moulds our soul and mind. Ethics, soft skills and etiquettes are all a part of the curriculum, from the very beginning!

Parents want children to get good grades so that they can achieve a good return on their investments. In the run they forget that schools might be churning out good mark-sheets but the importance of moral education is someway lost in between. We all start from scratch; the alphabets, numbers, fingers on our lips and sharing lunch, but along our way up the ladder of education the significance of value education is lost to scientific principles.

Moral science is an absolutely essential part of the school curriculum since it shapes the way we look towards our everyday life. Whether or not you'll help an old man cross a street depends on how well you are versed with ethics and moral behaviour, not how well you recite the tables. Moral science inculcates inseparable values in the character of a child.

Though morals are not fully picked up from the place of education, since the nature of value education is subjective, still educators should pay great heed to how much they invest upon moral education in their school curriculum. Mostly, moral education is taught as a separate subject namely Moral Sciences in the majority of schools in our country. The nature of this subject is very impressionable, as the textbooks contain lessons that are quite inspirational and students get to pick up some valuable points about life. A lot of text like poems, stories and essays combine to make up a good material for teaching moral science.

Would you rob? Would you like to be robbed? A number of such types of questions might pop up in textbooks driving the minds of the young readers towards bigger things in life. Soul intriguing questions can drive their thoughts towards those domains of reasoning where they might have never gone before. Empathising and feeling for others just seeps in magically once children get apprised with what's right and what's wrong.

Moral science influences our critical thinking and helps students to understand themselves, their bond with the universe and all existent things which feel and communicate. We are humans, naturally we share some goals; moral science facilitates our understanding of our needs and goals so as to make us reach those goals in a better way by cultivating the practical application of principles and morals. 

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Answered by Harshuu007

Moral values are important in life because if a person has never learned about moral values then how can he/she decide between the good and bad. Moral values reflect an individual's character and spirituality. They help in building good relationships in personal as well as professional live.

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