need of punctuation marks justify with examples
In academic writing, periods are also used to denote an abbreviation has been used. In science, the most commonly used abbreviation form is “et al.,” which is an abbreviation of the Latin et alii. A list of Latin abbreviations that are used in academic writing is as follows:
et cetera = etc.
nota bene = n.b.
conferre = cf.
ibidem = ibid.
Finally, three periods in a row are called an ellipsis and this indicates that entire words have been cut out of a quote. For example, here is a full quote from a newspaper article:
“I hope it’s only a matter of time before, in the same spirit, we reimagine zoos.”
However, in our work, we do not need the complete subordinate clause, so we can use an ellipsis to cut it out while demonstrating academic rigor by acknowledging that we have edited the quote:
“I hope it’s only a matter of time before…we reimagine zoos.”
Answer: Punctuation marks are important parts of speech which help us to read sentences and clauses correctly.
Full Stop/ Period (.)
Exclamation mark (!)
Question mark (?)
Comma (,)
Semi Colon (;)
Colon (:)
Quotation marks (")
Slash (/)
Dash (-)