English, asked by snehajoshi719, 1 year ago

Need skit on child labour


Answered by GodOfThunder123


here's you skit bro


Mr.Donald: I do not have evidence but you guys don’t as well! ! ! Try and prove yourself!

Sakura: Evidence? I have evidence. One is this picture. (Get some picture out)

Mr. Donald: Th … That is!

Judge: What is this Mr.Donald?

Sakura: This is a picture of Mr.Donald’s factory. This is a complete evid

Mr.Donald: I t’s fake! This is a composed picture!

Sakura: Well then, please look at the video here.

– Video – (scene 2)

Tanaka AD: Sakura I’m turning the camera!

Sakura: Oh, excuse me,

Sakura: Now, we’re a few hundred meters away from the Mr.Donald’s factory.

Tanaka AD:Someone is coming up!

Sakura: who is that?

Tanaka AD: (zoom in) I think they must be the guards!

Tanaka AD: Let’s go check if we can turn the camera

Sakura: lets go!

Sakura: Excuse me (Face the camera down because they didn’t get permission yet)

Guard A: How can I help you?

Guard B: No, how can “we” help you.

Tanaka AD: Well we really want to film your factory a little bit. Are you fine with that?

Guard A: Huh?

Guard B: No way we would be fired.


Sakura: We would guard for you so you can go!

Guard A: Wait, but the the factory owner never comes to check the guard. We can still say that we guarded!

Guard B: But Mr.Donald’s going to notice.

Guard A:I just said he wont!

Guard B: He will!!!!

Guard A: What you say!?

Guard B: Come to the equipment yard now!

Guards A: Oh! I just wish!

Sakura: so could we film this place?

GuardA&B: FINE!


Tanaka AD: …… I say Lightning

Sakura:Turn the camera! (face the camera up)

– Violence in the factory- (Scene 3)

Mr.Donald: Why aren’t you doing your work! Don’t play around!!!! (violence)(punch/kick)

TanakaAD&Sakura : (surprised)

Child laborA: s..s..sory..! Please stop it …

Child labor B: What did I do…!?

Mr.Donald: Oh shut up! You guys were not doing the work!! (Violence)

Child labor B: But I did…

Sakura: The young children is getting beated up by a person who seems to be the factory owner.

Tanaka AD: wow…(in a small voice)

Guard A&B: (They fight)

Mr.Donald: (Find the guard fighting) You guys! What are you doing!? Get back to work (keep saying something)

Tanaka AD: ok, lets go in.

– Interview to the Child labor’s – (scene 4)

Sakura: Are you ok?

Child labor B: But what did I do… I was just working but some how I also got punished.

Child labor A: ……………………………………………..It happens to me always, Im used to it now….

Mr.Donald: If this happens again you are fired!!

Tanaka AD: Mr.Donald is coming back!

Sakura: hurry! come on!

-Analyze- (Scene 5)

(We go to the first place again and analyze what happend in a formal way.)

Sakura: As you can see, this supports the picture of Mr.Donald punching and kicking the child working. In the interview, one of the child labor told us that you even made them use dangerous machene and chemicals that can make them die.

-Court- (Scene 6)

Sakura: I think this proves that you are actually being violent to the children and you are treating them like a slave!!


Judge: Mr.Donald? Do you have anything to say?

Mr.Donald: But it’s obvious to punish them if they are not working properly!

Sakura: (show a couple of facts and explain/give example from Mr.Donald’s factory.)

Sakura: As you can see, most of the children has bad health state because of the chemicals and dust from the factory that they work in.

Mr.Donald: Well, you can’t blame the factory owner just because that the factory doesn’t produce safe gasses. can you?

Sakura: Also, another thing is that you make the children work too much, and you don’t pay them enough. You make them over work, and you make them work in a dangerous place which produces polluted gasses. Some of the child even died because of the dangerous machine and you didn’t even tell them how to use it properly and you still say that you’re not wrong

pls mark the brainliest

Answered by anuanku


It is estimated that more than one million children are forced into exploitative child labour each year. The International Labour Organization (ILO) estimates that worldwide 246 million children are engaged in child labour; 186 million are under the age of 15. Some forms of work are perfectly acceptable, and can be a positive experience for children. Child labour, on the other hand, is exploitative, physically or psychologically harmful or abusive, and unfair. It robs children of their youth and their education. While it is true that some adults exploit children intentionally, others do so because they are unaware that they are risking children’s physical or mental health.

The following script aims to raise awareness among adult listeners of child labour issues, by telling the stories of several children who have been exploited. Perhaps you can find out other stories of children in your area to add to these. Other scripts in this package help prevent child exploitation by promoting children’s education. Radio programs that aim to reduce poverty also help; poverty is the most important root cause of child labour.

The stories of the children in this script should be read by children. Work with young actors in your community who can read the scripts with expression. Have them practice the script in advance, and give them time to get used to a microphone. If possible, tape the script in advance so that you can edit out any mistakes

If you wish to develop more programs about this issue, consider a program about children’s human rights. The Convention on the Rights of the Child is an international agreement that lists the rights of children everywhere. It has been ratified by 191 countries around the world. Likewise, child labour is addressed by two ILO Conventions: the Minimum Age Convention No. 138 and the Worst Forms of Child Labour Convention No. 182. These Conventions have been widely ratified. If your country has ratified one or more of them, it can be held accountable; if it has not, your programs might encourage your government to take that step.

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