Need statement on waste to wealth
Waste-to-energy is a broad term (with the same meaning as "Energy-from-Waste"). We use the term to mean any process or treatment that takes waste and converts it into energy (for the primary purpose of producing electricity — or electricity and heat — for sale) using a thermal or biological technology. A variety of 'processes' are used, each of which is likely to have its own proprietary and intellectual property rights. Each of these processes tends to be referred to as a "technology".
Irrespective of the technology used, the same two outcomes result :-
- reduction in the mass and volume of waste disposed of to landfill; and
- production of energy from the non-reusable and non-recyclable fractions of the waste stream.
The term waste-to-wealth simply means generating energy from the waste.
It can be used for any process or treatment by which a waste can be converted into something useful. It is usually used to make electricity. There are many process involved.
Technology has a biggest role in converting this waste into something productive. It helps in two ways. First, we get energy from non-recyclable and non-reusable materials and Second, reduction in mass and volume of the waste.