English, asked by kittuyadav017, 4 months ago

Neem was always a miracle tree. But new
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(a) Make notes on the above passage and provide a title
(b) Prepare the summary of the above passag



Answered by maanask


p.s. mark brainliest


The divine tree neem (Azadirachta indica) is mainly cultivated in the Indian subcontinent. Neem has been used extensively by humankind to treat various ailments before the availability of written records which recorded the beginning of history. The world health organization estimates that 80% of the population living in the developing countries relies exclusively on traditional medicine for their primary health care. More than half of the world's population still relies entirely on plants for medicines, and plants supply the active ingredients of most traditional medical products. The review shows the neem has been used by humankind to treat various ailments from prehistory to contemporary.

Keywords: Azadirachta indica, Palm leaf manuscripts, Prehistory

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1. Introduction

Neem is an omnipotent tree and a sacred gift of nature. Neem tree is mainly cultivated in the Indian subcontinent. Neem is a member of the mahogany family, Meliaceae. Today it is known by the botanical name Azadirachta indica (A. indica) A. Juss. Neem has been used extensively by humankind to treat various ailments before the availability of written records which recorded the beginning of history. Since prehistoric times, neem has been used by humankind.

The latinized name of neem, Azadirachta indica, is derived from the Persian. Azad means “free”; dirakht means “tree”; i-Hind means “of Indian origin”. Hence it literally means “the free tree of India”[1]. The neem tree is an incredible plant that has been declared the “Tree of the 21st century” by the United Nations[2]. The US National Academy of Science published a report in 1992 entitled “Neem: A tree for solving global problems”[3].

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2. Neem during prehistoric times

The age of the earth is (4.54±0.05) billion years. Plants from the supercontinent spread onto the land 475 million years ago. Anatomically modern humans inhabited 200 000 years ago[4]. Pangaea was a supercontinent that existed during the late Paleozoic and early Mesozoic eras, forming about 300 million years ago. The name Pangaea is derived from ancient Greek pan meaning “entire”, and Gaia meaning “earth”. The single global ocean which surrounded Pangaea is accordingly named Panthalassa[5].

Pangaea broke into two pieces, one in the north, and the other in the south (Figure 1)[5]. Scientists called the two new continents Laurasia (the continent in the north), and Gondwanaland (the continent in the south).

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Figure 1.

Pangaea continents.

The concept of Lemuria was born in the 1860s when certain British geologists noted the striking similarity between rock formations and fossils found in India and Africa. Maps of the lost land were produced taking the idea from the palaeo-continent of Gondwana that existed from approximately 510 to 180 million years ago (Figure 2)[6].

Laurasia-Gondwana continents.

It separated from Laurasia 200-180 million years ago during the breakup of Pangaea. Two hundred million years ago, the continents of Antarctica, South America, Africa, India and Australia were joined together as a single supercontinent known as Gondwana, or Gondwanaland[6].

In the research of Joseph, the existence of a land is called Lemuria, which is one of the world's oldest civilizations about 2.0 lakhs years ago[7]. Due to tsunami, people regularly moved from the Island Mu to Atlantis in Mexican Sea and Kumari Kandam in Indian Ocean about 100 000 years ago .

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