Nests for Dinner
However wonderful and beautiful nass mer be, mert few people would prefer caming
However in China, the best of a procular variety of swallow is prized as a great delicaca
These nests are chiefly gathered from Java, Sumatra, and other islands of the Malay Archipelago
and are carried thence to China, where they fetch a large price. Although they can be found
in plenty within certain limits they are very difñcul and dangerous to get otherwise, for the
allows build in the depths of large and deep cavems, mostly on the seashore, and the man
hare to be let down from above by ropes or descend on ladders of bamboa. In Java, so many
have lost their lives in nes gathering that in some pars a regular religious muy is held
wice or three times a year bezore the expedition is underken
It is not easy to know what the rests are really made of, because from the time that Europeans
first noticed the trade - about two hundred years ago - they have differed among the last
their accounts of the jellr-like substance used by the strallows. Some saturalisas have though it
of the fish, which floats thiddy on the surface of these seas others that it is a kind
of deposit of dried sea foam gathered by the birds from the beach, while others again think that
the substance is formed of sea plants chewed by the birds into a jeh Whatever it may be the
Chinese infinitely prefer nests to Oysters or anything else, and arz willing to pay highly for them.
The nests, which take about two months to build are always found to be of uno soras an oblong
ODE JEST fitted to the body of the male bird and a rounder one for the mother and her The
most valnable nests are those which are whitesh, and these caerally belong to the male. They are
very thin, and finely worked. The birds are small and feed chiefly on insects which are abundant
on these islands. Their colour is Icy, and they are wonderfully quick in their movements, Eke dhe
humming birds, which are about their own size. They are sociable, and build in swarms, but they
seldom lay more than two eggs, which take about a formight to harch.
- Adapted from The Animal Story Book by Andreu Lars
Is The
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The birds are small and chiefly on insects which are abundant onthese islands
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