English, asked by redkan6999, 10 months ago

Never leave till tomorrow which you can do today essay writing


Answered by urvisinghmanral



Hii Friend here is ur answer

“Procrastination” said William Shakespeare, “is the thief of time”. In our scriptures also, we are exhorted to do what we are sup­posed to do immediately without wasting any time. Postponing an action is like defeating its very purpose or delaying or weakening the results that it is supposed to yield. Remember the old saying, “For want of a nail, an empire was lost”. It is said that a rider carry­ing a message during wartime was careless. He knew that a nail had fallen off from his horse’s hoof. His immediate task should have been to stop his journey midway and get the nail fixed up properly. . But, instead, he preferred to continue his journey because he thought that a missing nail from the horse’s hoof would not make much difference to the speed of the horse. The horse galloped for some time before it stopped on account of pain. Another nail had fallen off. But the rider was still not bothered. He continued the journey. Soon, the horse fell down; it had become lame. It refused to get up and gallop further. The message was not delivered in time to the general, to whom it had been urgently addressed, requisitioning re­inforcements on the war front. As a result, the forces lost. A whole empire was lost because the rider would not take immediate action in getting the nail on the horse’s hoof fixed before starting off. We should, therefore never postpone our assigned tasks. The delay or postponement may lead to disastrous results.

This applies especially to the students. They should not postpone their day’s studies to the next day or for some other time.

By postponing, the work would accumulate to such an extent that the very thought of doing it would frighten them and eventually at the time of the examinations, they would not be adequately pre­pared. This is the bane of students today. They keep postponing their preparation for the examinations till the last moment. Conse­quently, their performance leaves much to be desired. Those who work regularly and do not postpone their assigned task, come out with flying colours in any test or examination.

This can be expanded further to apply to activity and work in all walks of life-be it an office – goers or his boss, an administrator or his subordinate, or the highest or the lowest in the land. They should keep in mind the golden maxim. “Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.” If all of us keep this in mind, there would be no delays or hold ups, no bureaucratic red tapism and no hassles in our own or our fellow being’s lives. Unfortunately most of the people agree with Oscar Wilde. “Do not put of till tomorrow what you can do the day after”.

Hope it helps u

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