English, asked by kajugkp75, 3 months ago

New-born foxes squirming on the ground- reference context and explanation​


Answered by dheeraj843797

Speak gently, Spring, and make no sudden sound

for in my windy valley yesterday I found

New born foxes squirming on the ground

Speak gently.

Walk softly, March, forbear the bitter blow,

Her feet within a trap, her blood upon the snow,

The four little foxes saw their mother go

Walk softly.

Go lightly, Spring, oh give them no alarm;

When I covered them with boughs to shelter them from harm

The thin blue foxes suckled at my arm

Go Lightly.

Step softly, March, with your rampant hurricane

Nuzzling one another and whimp'ring with pain,

The new little foxes are shiv'ring in the rain

Step softly.

please mark it brriliant...

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