Business Studies, asked by HeraRashid5243, 1 year ago

New-product idea screening a partial product failure occurs when sales do not cover all of its variable costs


Answered by TheDreamCatcher


Here are six steps to help you make sure your product is something the world wants, before you launch it.

First wait; then build a prototype or test service.

Build a minimum viable product.

Run it by a group of critics.

Tweak it to suit your test market.

Create a test website with social mediatie-ins.

Answered by Anonymous

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✒ A better method would take into account the information available in the success or failure of a large number of past new product launches. A software, called NewProd, is now-a-days available for new product screening, evaluation, and diagnosis. NewProd was developed from a statistical analysis of 200 projects from 100 companies. Managers are asked to rate their own project on 50 screening criteria. A regression is run relating these dimensions to degree of commercial success. Eight factors linked to product outcomes, in the software, included product superiority, compatibility, market need, economic advantage, newness to the firm, technical compatibility, market competitiveness, and size of market. NewProd studies in North America, the Netherlands, and Scandinavia have shown correct predictions for 75% to 85% of the new product studied. NewProd predicts success and failure before development even begins.


INSHAALLAH it will help you!

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