English, asked by kanhaiya37, 1 year ago

New technology is common, New thinking is rare


Answered by Sidyandex

This statement is absolutely true.

Coming up with new technology is commonly noticed in various fields, however not everyone can come up with new thoughts.

Mostly, people follow the common path and are afraid to try the new paths.

The common traveled path is blindly followed without giving a thought as to whether it is right or wrong.

Answered by AatishBagal


Technology is common, new thinking is rare in our world now a days because no one likes doing research, looking up for things. If anyone has some doubt or curiosity about something, they just go and look up on google and in this Century, almost everyone has technology.  

And especially in this year 2020, due to quarantine work cannot be done without technology. Now a Days Many people are working from home, students are attending all the school classes online. These are the most common uses of technology now a days.

But on the other side there are a lot of people in this world who use technology for making inventions that could help save the world. These people use technology in a very different way and also think in a different way. For Eg. There are many inventions made which uses plastic for making roads, cleaning water Bodies and more.  

This type of thinking I think is very rare now a days which focuses on other people’s ease in their work and at the same time It also focuses on our planet and nature which is the most important thing for Humans.  

Hope It helped! ;-)

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