new years resolution
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A New Year's resolution is a promise to yourself, just to yourself, that you will change something and do it differently next year. ... So, New Year's resolutions are made at the end of a year, just before you start a new year and here are some really common examples: I want to loose weight! I want to get fit!
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52 new years resolution.
- Work out to feel good , not be thinner.
- Stop gossiping.
- Give one compliment a day.
- Go a whole day without checking your email.
- Do random acts of kindness Read a book a month.
- Go someplace you've never been.
- Clear out the clutter.
- Turn off your phone one night a week .
- Reduce your waste.
- Volunteer.
- Travel on a small budget.
- Write down one thing you're grateful for every night.
- Drink more water.
- Stop multi - tasking.Talk to yourself with kindness.
- Call a friend instead of texting them.
- Don't buy things you don't need .
- Keep a journal.
- Clear out your car.
- Put your bills on auto-pay.
- Take the stairs.Be kind on social media.
- Let go of grudges.
- Stay in touch with the people who matter.
- Try a totally new restaurant.
- Start a new hobby.
- Travel somewhere without posting about it on social media.
- Bring a plant into your home.
- Sanitize your personal belongings.
- Start cooking !
- Buy less plastic.
- Send handwritten letters.
- Donate clothes you never wear.
- Pey off your credit card every month.
- Avoid people who complain a lot.
- Remove negativity or anything that make you feel lousy.
- Travel somewhere with on map.
- Wear sunscreen.
- Cook more.
- Got a real haircut.
- Do something that scares you.Make your bed every morning.
- Stay on top of inbox.
- Try guided meditation.
- Craft something yourself.
- Go to bed happy each night.
- Spot clean as you go.
- Pay it forward.
- Talk less , listen more.
- whatever your goals are , write them down.
- Get organized.
- Learn a new skill or hobby.
- Save more money / spend less money.
- Spend more time with family and friends.
- Live life to the fullest.
Hope it will be helpful to you and to others.
Happy New year to you always be happy
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